
What is Applecross?

It all started at a Beat Retreat hosted by Ben Cantil (Encanti of Zebbler Encanti Experience) at his home, in Applecross, Scotland. What began in Ben’s online music classroom has grown, first into a global community, then into a record label, and now into a music festival.

Applecross is a space for co-creation and innovation. A “what if…” kind of place. A puzzle, waiting for you to add your piece.

We are building a living and breathing multi-sensory showcase of music, art, and above all, fun. And we’re building it out of workshops, installations, comedy, painters, flow, and of course, some kickass music.

We are building an artist’s playground… and by “we”, we mean you too.

Who is the Applecross Collective?

The Applecross collective is an ever-growing international community of music producers, visual artists, builders, dancers, educators, and experimental art enthusiasts. Together, we forge a platform, elevating undiscovered and emerging artists to perform alongside the people who inspire them most.

Have an offering that you’d like to share with the world?

Head on over to the Get Involved section of our website where you will find applications ranging from installations to theme camps and everything in between. And while you wait to hear back, head on over to our Discord and say “hi”!